Slade Czech Kennel - Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Slade Czech Kennel

Staffordshire Bull Terrier Filomenne NoYap Magicpower's Noisette Daffodil Yellow Apollanka Penn Staff BETI z Grodu Sanguszków Pritsim Getto Romance BLACK KLENOT Bu-Am-Sti Let me introduce briefly myself and a bit more my lovely staffies. My name is Tana Sladeckova and I live in Czech Republic, Ostrava city. Me and my husbend Peter have been interesting in a breeding dogs from 1990 but I had had always some animals as a child.

Our first staffie Black Klenot Bu-Am-Sti came to our home in February 2004. During one year we brought a female yet – Beti z Grodu Sanguszkow. Both of them comes from Poland. They have very successful ancestors, f.e. Ken´s daddy is famous Int.Ch, world winner Denim Blue Daffodil Yellow or Beti´s father is Int.Ch. Conundrum Daffodil Yellow and there are a lot of others: Ch. Wyrefare Cartier Bensolo, Ch. Chief Ambassador at Dumbriton, Crossguns line etc.

The year after we took our lovely Noisette Daffodil Yellow from homonymous kennel. She has an excellent pedegree too, f.e. her mother Jr.Ch. Jeanne D´Arc, grandfa Int. Dalestock London Pride or Ch., Ir.Ch. Wyrefare Prince Naseem and of course Tenacious Just Kidding or American Ch. Chainmakers Samsung of Rikamia. Thanks to Alex Lonova for this exceptionally cuddly female.

When we were thinking that 3 staffordshire bull terriers are enough, died our chihuahua male Aggi: he missed us very much and it decided. I brought in May 2006 wonderful red bitch Filomenne No Yap from Finland kennel Magicpower´s. She is extraordinary bitch according to her pedegree: Her red father Boomer (Int. Ch. Pawerpaws World Acclaim) is imported from Australia to Finland. And her mother is beautiful brindle female Annie (Int. Ch. Magicpower´s Catastrofes Co). Thank you to Ellu and Jape for this bitch with fantastic nature.

In the end of the year 2006 increased our „staffie´s family“ of Polish female Apollanka Penn-Staff. In spite of the bitch lives at our friends, we are very happy that we could become possess of her.

The last January day 2007 I arrived from England with our new red puppy-female Pritsim Getto Romance. We are proud of her origin because she comes right from sbt´s country of origin, Great Britain, so we call her „G.B.“ Thanks to Mathew and Kay for her and of course also thanks to Barbara from Gallantstaff from Wales for her stud dog Murphy (Gallant Prince of Henfaes) – G.B´s father.

You are welcome to visit our web sites and if you want to write us sign our guestbook or send an e-mail.

Tana Sladecek

(Calibrating Your Monitor)

© Slade Czech 2004 [ Staffordshire Bull Terrier Kennel ]